Friday, September 24, 2010

Skagway Crowds

100916 – Skagway crowds

I thought I had set my watch alarm, I’d calculated the time in OZ (as that was still the main time on my watch – using dual time function) and entered 12.01am for a 6am wake up for the Ferry. I woke at 5.45 and thought I’d steal the extra 15 mins. I next checked my watch at 6.20am, we were expected to be at the Ferry at 6.15, bugger. Taking he 30’ RV through the bends back to the Ferry Terminal, had us there at 6.35am, last to register, but lined up and all was good. Grabbed a quick breakie before needing to turn the gas off and load at 6.50am for a 7.15am departure.

We had met an interesting husband and wife from Homer, Alaska the afternoon before, he drove that RV I posted a photo of that we saw at Kathleen Lake. He and his wife back packed around the Himalayas with their two primary school aged girls, home schooling them, and had been to every continent. They settled in Homer to put their girls through high school the youngest now doing Uni. They were on the Ferry to Skagway, enroute toward South America before heading over the China to meet their Oldest Daughter who is working there. He gave Josh and I a great tip on a hike in Skagway. Another fellow came and joined out conversation, he worked for the Alaska Marine Highway and was on his way home for his days off, home being Skagway, and he concurred, it was a better hike than the 33 mile Chilkoot Trail, for one, we could do it in a day, but it was a hard hike.

Landed in Skagway before 8.30am to 3 Cruise Ships in dock. The town was crowded, but we hit the shops anyway. The atmosphere was a buzz with all the bargains that the stores were putting on, as this was the last day for 3 cruise ships in dock for this season, tomorrow would be the first day in 14 weeks that no cruise ship was in, then only one on Saturday. The staff were looking forward to a day off tomorrow. They were just about giving the stuff away, grabbed quite a bit and blew the budget, found a lovely ring for Linda.

Eventually made it to the RV park, which for the price was the worst RV park we had stayed at. Our preferred park had closed for the season, a week before. At the recommendation of the Indian born Jewellery shop owner, we enjoyed a great Butter Chicken at an Indian Restaurant and walked the quiet street, the Cruise ships had departed.

We settled in for the night in preparation for a great hike tomorrow.

Weather: Wonderfully clear blue skys.

Low: high 30’s High: high 60’s.

Wildlife: Cruise Ship Tourists.

O/N Bugger, didn’t grab it. Skagway.

Not many photo's, too busy shopping :)

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